Evolution Encyclopedia Vol. 3
Chapter 40- APPENDIX
species change? To what degree can they change? This Is something of a
perplexing topic. It is puzzling to Me evolutionists and, to some
extent, to the creationists also. Throughout this sat of books many
questions have been discussed and the answer have shown that Creation is
the only valid explanation of the wonders In the sky above and In the
world around us. But there is a question remaining which It would be
well to address.
In regard to species, it is clear that (1) the DNA code controls
hereditary traits, and (2) because of that code, it would be impossible
for one species to change into another one. Sub-species variations can
and do occur, but the result is never more than a modification of the
same basic species.
In addition, it is thought that traits passed on from one generation to
another are thought to occur only because of random hereditary gene
shuffling, in no way related to environmental effects during the life of
the individual.
Yet certain puzzles remain. The present writer would like to suggest
what may be a new concept, yet which may provided needed solutions.
Because this present section is speculatory, it has been thought best to
place it at the back of the book, instead of at the end of chapter 15
(Species Evolution).
Three primary explanations have been put forth for subspecies
(1) The DNA coding for a given species has limitations which cannot be
exceeded. Yet within that encircling barrier, variations can occur.
These always occur randomly, without any input from the environment. The
result is all the sub-species variations observed everywhere on earth.
The first view (DNA) speaks of variations which cannot go beyond an
outer code barrier. It also assumes that DNA operates solely by random
operation and only through heredity. Environment has no effect on the
code arrangements produced.
(2) Environmental effects on the organism produce all hereditary change.
There are no limitations as to what these changes may be. This view is
known as Lamarckism. It was
popularized by 'Jean de Lamarck (1744-1829) over a century before the
DNA code was discovered. Characteristics acquired or developed during a
creature's lifetime can be passed on to its descendants. Lamarckism
teaches that hereditary changes are caused specifically and probably
solely by environmental factors.
There are a number of flaws in this theory. Two special ones are the
limitations of the DNA code, and the fact that no trans-species changes
have ever been known to occur.
(3) *Alfred Russel Wallace and *Charles Darwin suggested that random
changes occur in the organism, which they called
selection." These changes were said to have produced every type of
organ and species in the works.
In a later edition of his Origin of the
Darwin forsook natural selection and changed over to Lamarckism. It
had become obvious to him that random changes would produce too many
negative results, and so few positive results that both organs and
species would rather quickly be destroyed rather than improved, if left
to the tender mercies of random variations. This total reliance on
chance actions (by so-called "natural selection"), as the sole means of
evolution, later came to be known as "Darwinism. " Yet Darwin himself eventually abandoned the theory.
This mutation (neo-Darwinist) view imagines that it is rare, destructive
mutations which have produced all the astounding marvels we find in
living species. (Saltation, or monster mutation theory, is only a more
impossible variation of the basic mutation idea.)
Earlier chapters detailed reasons why the Lamarckism, natural selection,
and mutation theories of evolution could not be correct. The errors in
Lamarckism are discussed in chapters 13 and 29. The error of natural
selection is covered in chapter 13. The errors basic to mutation theory
are dealt with in chapter 14, and the hopeful monster theory in chapters
14 and 29.
But there are problems with the first view also. Consider the following:
(1) It is very correct that, as with every code in the world, the DNA
code has limits. it only reaches out so far and can therefore include
only so many possibilities of change. All of those possibilities would
be included within a single "kind" or true species, and its modified
subspecies. Because of this, cross-species changes cannot occur. Each
species code is so utterly complicated--and so differentiated from the
others--that there is no way that one code could change itself into
another one. And there is no way that any earthly
(2) But there are factors about those modified sub-species which do not
fit the other half of the definition: "DNA operates solely by random
operation and only through heredity. Environment has no effect on the
code arrangements produced."
A classic example would be skin tone. The equation goes something like
this: The closer people live to the equator + the longer they live there
= the darker their skin color.
(1) That is an environmental effect, not a hereditary one. (2) That is a
specifically-caused effect, not a random one.
The problem is as simple as that. There is no need of accusing
someone--including the present writer--of being a "Lamarckian;" what is
needed is to solve the problem, wherever it may lead us.
Yet, after much, much thought, the present writer has developed a
concept which appears to nicely answer to the needs of the problem. You
may accept it or reject it; it matters not. At least a possible solution
is available for those who are interested.
This view violates neither the facts of DNA as we know them, nor the
species barrier. As long as that barrier cannot be crossed, evolution
cannot occur; only sub-species
Lamarckism itself is definitely in error, for two special reasons: (1)
It teaches that in-species changes can result from any kind of
environmental cause, and produce any kind of hereditary effect, (2) as
well as cross-species change.
There are thousands of men who would wish their heads into growing hair
if they could do so, but it cannot be done. There are those who have
lost limbs who would like to grow them back. Conversely, the descendants
of those who have lost limbs will not have theirs missing. Many other
examples could be cited. Lamarckism is in error.
But why then do people living in the hottest, sunniest places of the
earth have the darkest skin? Obviously, they are the ones who needed
extra sun-screen, and, because of their location, their
environment--their skin color gradually, over the centuries changed to a
darker tone. The experts tell us that, since the United States is hotter
and sunnier than Europe, that within a few centuries the skin color of
Caucasian Americans would uniformly be darker.
We know that Lamarckism is in error because it teaches that virtually
any kind of environmental effect will produce hereditary changes, and,
ultimately, cross-species changes.
So, although we know that Lamarckism is an incorrect theory, yet there
definitely are instances in which creatures make sub-species changes
because of interaction with their environment. Let us consider some
The now-deceased Gordon R. Taylor spent a lifetime trying to figure out
this very problem. In his book, Great Evolution Mystery, this confirmed
evolutionist discussed several examples of environment-producing changes
which were passed on via heredity to forthcoming generations.
'Taylor himself admits that, in spite of many unusual sub-species
modifications, there is no evidence that one species has ever changed
into another.
*Taylor was searching for answers. According to ' Darwin's theory, a
creature developed features it needed for survival, yet Taylor expresses
his dissatisfaction. He questions how that could be true since species
can have so many varied features and yet all survive very nicely. For
example, some sheep have horns, some do not, yet all do equally well;
some grazers are short-necked and others are long-necked; yet all obtain
enough food.
In addition, Taylor asks why should characteristics continue in
creatures which are not seemingly needed?
"These primitive vertebrates take us back to 500 million years ago; but
a still more extraordinary example of failure to evolve is found in the
bacteria. Since they reproduce themselves, in favourable conditions,
every twenty minutes, they might be expected to evolve faster than other
organisrns--but fossil bacteria going back three and a half billion
years, to the threshhold of life itself, have been recovered and are
virtually identical with modern forms.
"There are really two problems here. First, why did some species fail to
give rise to superior forms? Second, why, when they did give rise to
superior forms, did not the inferior fame die out, worsted in the
evolutionary straggle?"--'Op. at, pp. 227.
"Frederick Griffiths placed rats on slowly revolving turn tables for
periods of up to one and a half years. When the wretched animals were
freed their heads constantly flicked in the direction in which they had
been rotated, and their eyes flicked also. This flicking automatism
reappeared in their progeny."--'Op. cit., p. 49.
How should we relate all this what we already know about genetics and
the DNA code?
First, can a new species originate, or can one species change into
different species? No, it can never be done. The DNA code must be there
in place to begin with, and only a super-intelligent Person could have
placed that code there to begin with. The limitations of the code forbid
any cross-species changes.
Second, can any species change its DNA? No, it cannot. Every last
zillionth of a characteristic change possible to a given species had to
be in the DNA code BEFORE the change could be made. The possibility of
every possible change had to already be in the DNA. Whatever the
possible change may have been, the possibility of it had to be pre-coded
into the DNA before it was expressed.
Third, can a given species change its features and habits? Yes, it can.
We have already considered examples of that.
Fourth, could some of those changes be environmentally-caused? (That is,
during the lifetime of the creature, something happened which caused a
change which it then passed on to its descendants.) Yes, earlier in this
chapter we have already viewed some instances. More will be cited below.
An example would be one of the descendants of the first finches to the
Galapagos Islands which began biting off a cactus spine, and then using
it as a needle to poke into holes and pull out grubs which it then
swallowed. That environmentally-caused tool-using trait was passed on to
its descendants.
How can we combine together those four points into a sensible, coherent,
workable pattern? Basically, how could all the changes be potentially in
the DNA to begin with, and yet some of them be environmentally produced?
The answer is just that. All of the possible variations within a species
were beforehand accounted for within the limitations of the DNA coding.
The changes were all potententially in the DNA code to begin with. But
the code provided for some of the changes to be influenced by
environmental factors! That sentence is the single addition to the
standard concepts we have reviewed throughout these three books, in
regard to DNA, its coding, and sub-species changes.
On an adjacent page is an outstanding example of this principle in
action: The Hawaiian sicklebill is a small bird which is only found on
the Hawaiian Islands. At some earlier time those islands were colonized
by birds, probably, finches from America. Because there were so many
unfilled feeding niches available on the islands, these birds adapted
over a period of time to a variety of foraging habits. Ultimately 22
sub-species (8 of which are now extinct) developed. The surviving 14 are
shown in the accompanying illustration.
At some earlier time, American finches migrated to the Hawaiian
Islands.. Gradually, in accordance with variation ranges already in its
DNA, this species of bird produced a variety of sub-species to fill
various empty ecological niches. Eventually 22 sub-species were formed,
of which 8 are now extinct. Illustrated below are the surviving 14. The
bills are adapted to everything from nectar-sipping and nutcracking to
grubbing beetles from trees.
These birds are essentially identical in feet, legs, wings, body shape,
and eyes. Their heads show slight variations, and their bodies vary
slightly in size,--but it is in their bills that the most striking
differences are to be found.
These bills have adapted for everything from long, narrow bills for
nectar-sipping, heavy beaks for nut-cracking, to bills adapted to
grubbing beetles from trees. Different feeding habits led to changes in
bill shapes.
Applying the new principle, we can more easily understand what happened
here. The DNA of these birds was coded, not only for random variational
changes,--but also for environmental input data which triggered the DNA
to make other variational changes.
In other words, if this new view be correct, the DNA is coded not only
to send data out into the cell--but also to receive information from the
cell. But inherent within the code of each species, only certain
environmental factors can trigger DNA variations that will cant' through
to posterity.
Because of this, not only can a given species be coded for summer and
winter (brown coat in summer and white in winter), but also for various
altitudes, light and darkness, and a variety of other changed
environmental conditions.
The new view suggested here Is that
environment can only affect heredity to the extent that precoded DNA permits it to happen. In
addition, all the alternate possibilities were already pre-coded Into the DNA helix
This revised definition--which offers a wider range of DNA
functions--appears able to solve a variety of otherwise puzzling facts,
while agreeing with genetic knowledge.
Scientists generally accept the assumption that hereditary changes based
on environmental factors are theoretically impossible. Yet they occur
As mentioned earlier, when people move loser to the poles, their skin
becomes lighter. They need less sun-shade. When people move closer to
the hot, bright areas near the equator, their skin gradually becomes
darker. Those who have lived in such areas the longest have become
almost black. The same with the eyes; northern Europeans have tinted
irises, and those in Africa have nearly black irises, for their
environment requires more shading of the retina. They have built-in
sunglasses! Hair also becomes darker near the brightest areas of the
globe. The top of the head thus is given better protection from
sun-stroke. What about the Eskimos, and other peoples living in Arctic
areas, who have dark hair and eyes? Anthropologists recognize that they
have moved there more recently. Eskimos have the appearance of
Mongolians and migrated northward in more recent times, and from there
went south and populated North, Central, and South America.
Likewise with the turn-table rats and the blind newts which developed
eyes; in each instance, it could be done because the DNA coding
permitted it to be done.
Dogs trained as sheep dogs for generations will show a herding instinct
which other canines do not have.
There are not only limits to the code of each species, there is also a
range to that code. The
Over the years, Persian cats have been bred with shorter and shorter
noses until many have noses so short the end is right between the eyes.
But it would be useless to try to breed Persians with wings or three
eyes. (1) If it is not in the DNA, it cannot be produced. (2) Only that
amount of change for a given trait which is in the DNA for that species
can be produced.
The coding dictated that, when red a infrared light was present, the
newt would develop seeing eyes. Thousands of generations of blind,
no eyed newts might live and die, but the coding was there waiting for
certain environmental conditions-and then the eyes appeared!
But in all the observations and experiments,-there is always, always, no
hint of a changeover from one species to another. Evolution never
occurs. The DNA prohibits it. Evolution is something which has no real
existence outside the imagination of certain men.
What we have here is not "inheritance of acquired characteristics," but
Inheritance of expressed characteristics!. The characteristics were
already in the DNA, and when a need arose for them to be expressed, then
they could gradually enter the active inheritance factors. But they do
not enter immediately.
Such an occurrence would take place if a Scandinavian moved to central
Africa and he and his descendants remained there permanently. If, the
same time, an African moved to Scandinavia and remained there
permanently,--two or three thousand years later, the skin color would be
In his book, 'Taylor also mentioned plants and animals that changed
feather and leaf color, as well as other features, when moved from one
climate to another. This could help explain why species in one locality
appear somewhat different than related species elsewhere in the works.
No cross-species change occurred; it was only a plant or animal
expressing enough other facets within its DNA that it appeared to be a
different sub-species.
'Taylor mentions a bird which, when moved from one South Pacific island
to another, changed colors. But then we know that when canaries are fed
special diets, they change from yellow to orange, and when hydrangeas
are placed in acid soil they have blue flowers, while in alkaline soil
pink flowers. Environmental factors, yes, but species change, no.
This concept would permit sub-species environmental changes, if the
traits for those changes have always been in the gene pool range of the
DNA of that particular species.
There are several hundred sub-species of cichlids inhabiting several
African lakes. Each sub-species has different feeding and nesting
habits. Some are remarkably different in those habits! Yet all are
clearly cichlids, with only slight differences in size, color, teeth,
etc. The DNA permitted certain sub-species changes so they could adapt
to the various feeding and nesting niches in those lakes, but not many
other changes.
A single species was brought into an isolated area, where there were
many unfilled life niches. Sub-species proliferated, and eventually
there were many sub-species, each living and doing things a little
differently than the others. In the process, some actual alterations in
size, body structure, and function occurred. Inherited differences in
memory patterns even took place.
More examples of species change will be found in chapter 15.
(You have probably read about the remarkable experiment involving hydra.
Under a microscope this microscopic worm-like creature looks like a
black arrow. It inhabits fresh-water ponds. These small creatures were
taught certain information, and then chopped up and fed to other hydras.
By so doing, information in the brains of the choppedup hydras was
transferred to the other hydra which ate them!)
Factual, habitual patterns were actually transferred by eating!
As a result of special breeding, dogs, pigeons, cats, and chrysanthemums
come in a wide variety of sub-species. Plant breeders have tried to
produce a wide variety of every flower, but the mum was found to have a
larger gene pool than most flowers, and so it has been transformed into
a startling number of varieties.
(In contrast, there are examples of changed patterns through instruction
rather than heredity: Japanese scientists spent years studying a certain
ape native to a northern island in the Japanese island chain. The
scientists threw rice on the sand. Most of the apes spent hours
carefully picking rice out of the sand, but one adult female scooped it
up and tossed it into the ocean. The sand quickly dropped to the bottom
and the rice floated at the top. She then scooped it back up and
swallowed it.
(Trying to teach the other apes, she was successful with the young ones.
Soon the other adult females adopted the new feeding pattern also. But
the old males refused to be taught by women and children. They kept
laboriously picking rice grains out of the sand.)
This concept of environmental adaptation of species in accordance with
gene pool limitations, may also help in explaining changes in species
after the Fall (Genesis 3). Most American bears eat bees, honey, fish,
animals, and whatever else they might find. Yet the ancestral bear would
have been a vegetarian, with capacity in its gene pool for a carnivorous
diet. The panda bear in China has continued down to the present time as
a total vegetarian. Yet in every other way,
is bearlike.
In anticipation of the Fall, the Creator could have placed within the
various creatures DNA coding factors needed to later survive under the
radically changed environment they would encounter after sin entered.
That later changed environment could then have brought forth the changes
in the creatures.
An example of this would be the shark which can smell even the minutest
quantity of blood in the water, the dolphin which can echo-locate, using
underwater radar (sonar) to locate fish to eat, and the many fish which,
sensing sideways water pressure, are alerted to instantly flee the
approach of dangerous creatures coming toward them.
Why does the tiger have those large fleshripping teeth, when he was originally a vegetarian? In an earlier chapter, we mentioned a mammal which had a tooth which in earlier times disappeared,and later reappeared! In foreknowledge of the Fall, the tiger could have had its DNA pre-coded so it could later adapt to larger teeth, a shorter gut, needed for a carnivorous diet.
Knowing ahead of time that man would fall into sin, and the terrible
consequences that would ensue, the DNA of the tiger could have been
pre-coded for such an eventuality when it was first made. (It is also
possible that later modifications in its DNA could have been made
afterward by the Master Codemaker.) Either possibility would explain
many things we see about us.
Fortunately, life as we now know ft will not continue on much longer.
Satan claimed that God's laws could not be obeyed, but Christ died to
forgive and enable men to do so. Erelong, the violence will be no longer
exist. All of God's children throughout the universe will then be a
peaceful, happy family. The lion will dwell with the lamb and misery and
suffering will forever be ended.
We might here mention that there is only one creature mentioned in the Bible which apparently had its DNA changed after the fall: the serpent. A major physical change occurred, for prior to the fall it would have had another means of locomotion: legs, or legs and wings; but afterward it could only crawl. At the Scopes Trial in 1925, Clarence Darrow asked William Jennings Bryan in ridicule, "How did the snake walk; on its tail?"
But the Bible clearly states that a genetic change was made in the
serpent. Before then, it must have had wings and legs, or legs alone. It
is of interest that ancient legends from around the world speak, not
only of a worldwide Flood, an Ark with eight people, and the Fall
beforehand, but also of a tree of life and a flying serpent.
There is yet another intriguing aspect to this: A divine hand not only
provided the gene pool for each species, but, in foreknowledge of what
post-Fall conditions would bring, also provided that that gene pool be
wide enough to provide adaptive ability for each species under the
dramatically changed conditions that would later bring oceans, deserts,
tundra, swamps, etc.
Marine fish were given cleaner fish to protect them from parasites. The
late ' Conrad Limbaugh of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography was the
first to study them. A cleaner fish selects a place in the ocean to
carry on its work, and then waits. Soon it watches as large, dangerous
fish swim up and patiently wait in line for it to clean their sides,
faces, and even inside their mouths!
There are multiplied thousands of instances in which living creatures do
wiser things than they could possibly have the native sense to do.
Why do the various cleaner fish, Pedersen's shrimp, and the La Senorita wrasse clean parasites from immense fish able to swallow
them in one gulp? Why do the big fish not hurt them? Why do they know
these little creatures will help them?
In the design chapters of this book (chapters 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32,
36 and 40), you have found hundreds of astounding facts about the earth,
plants, animals, and man which defy any explanation other than divine
wisdom at work. There simply is no other answer.
What about the little frog, mentioned in chapter 20, which has the
markings of a dangerous rat on its back? That frog never, ever sees its
backs How does ft know to instantly turn its back on its predator-and
position itself in such as way as to frighten him off? There can only be
one answer: God did it.
We have here no "watchmaker god," who created and then departed. We see
here the hand of the Creator, who made His creatures and then Is
continually guiding His vast creation. "For in Him we live, and move,
and have our being." Acts 17:28.
There is the crab which keeps a small stone resting on sensitive hairs,
enabling it to balance. If it loses that stone, it quickly picks up
another, or, in some cases, secretes stony material to replace it. How
does the crab know to do that? How did it know to do it to begin with?
There is the bola spider which, instead of weaving a web, swings a tiny
rope of spider thread around its head--and then hurls it after its prey.
How does it know to do that? Why does it keep doing it, over and over,
even when it may not succeed in accomplishing anything by doing so?
'De Witt discovered that orb-weaving spiders never run out of raw
material, nor end up with a surplus. They first figure out how much they
will need for the circular web--and then manufacture that amount of
fluid. Then they begin work on the web.
Why does the Birgus latro crab climb out of the ocean, crawl over to a
coconut tree, laboriously climb it--saw through a hard coconut stem,
drop the nut to the ground,--then climb back down, retrieve and enjoy it
for lunch? How can it have the brains to carry out such a complicated
Why does the larva of the caddis fly build a case for itself? If
destroyed, it replaces it; if given too large a case by the
experimenter, it adjusts it to the right size. It inherently knows just
what to do.
Where did that wisdom come from? It did not come from the caddis fly.
Why do baby bees, as soon as they emerge from the egg, know exactly what
to do in the hive? At several different stages of their lives, they will
have to perform different functions, yet they always know what to do at
the right time. Where did they obtain this wisdom, since none of the
other bees spent a moment of time instructing the newborn?
Why can so many creatures know they must molt or die? How do they do it?
Why is there such remarkable examples of protective coloration and
"mimicry"? How can the birds know to track their flight over vast
oceans, guided only by the stars and earth's electromagnetic field?
It was Infinite Wisdom --the hand of God which placed the knowledge
needed by those birds within their DNA. There can be no other answer.
On and on it goes, lessons calling us to acknowledge our Creator,
convictions pleading with us to worship and serve Him.
In conclusion, what name shall we give to this new concept introduced here? We could call it Pre-coded adaptations, or the Inheritance of expressed characteristics. Perhaps this view will be thought to be incorrect and discarded. If so, the puzzles remain and a theory agreeing with scientific facts is needed to explain them.
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