

3 Volume Evolution Disproved Encyclopedia 


NOTE: Some of the below applies only to the 3 Volume Book set.  

Evolutionists Speak Out

"Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses." *Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (1971), p. 147.

"No one has ever found an organism that is known not to have parents, or a parent. This is the strongest evidence on behalf of evolution."*Tom Bethell, "Agnostic Evolutionists," Harper's, February 1985, p. 61.

"As by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of being, as we see them, well defined species?" *Charles Darwin, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966). p. 139.

"Where are we when presented with the mystery of life? We find ourselves facing a granite wall which we have not even chipped . . We know virtually nothing of growth, nothing of life."*W. Kaempifert, "The Greatest Mystery of All: the Secret of Life," New York Times.

"I think, however, that we must go further than this and admit that the only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it." *H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution," Physics Bulletin 31 (19801, p. 138.

"I am not satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his influence in scientific and public thinking has been beneficial . . the success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity."*W. R. Thompson, Introduction to "Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species.

" 'The Darwinian theory of descent has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific research, but purely the product of imagination."' *Dr. Fleischman. (Erlangen zoologist), quoted in F. Meldau, Why We Believe in Creation, Not Evolution, p. 10.

"The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious twentieth century scientific theory has become a reality for evolutionary biologists."*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis (1986), p.306.

"[Darwin could] summon up enough general, vague and conjectural reasons to account for this fact, and if these were not taken seriously, he could come up with a different, but equally general, vague and conjectural set of reasons." *Gertrude Himmelfarb, Darwin and Darwinian Revolution (1968), p. 319.

"The particular truth is simply that we have no reliable evidence as to the evolutionary sequence . . One can find qualified, professional arguments for any group being the descendant of almost any other."*J. Bonner, "Book Review," American Scientist 49:1961, p. 240.

"It was because Darwinian theory broke man's link with God and set him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was so fundamental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times.. so profoundly affected the way men viewed themselves and their place in the universe." *Michael Denton (Australian molecular biologist), Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 67.

"The greatest tragedy that ever befell man's thinking, was when the beautiful and wonderful and mysterious world fell into the hands of theorists who captured the minds, first of the thinkers and then even of the thoughtless. For what they showed them was not nature as it is but a horrible caricature of nature as it would have to be to make their theories work." V. Barclay, Darwin Is not for Children (1950), p. 74.


In the summer of 1989 the present writer learned that the California State Department of Education had recently notified the private, non-tax-funded Graduate School of ICR that it would have to close its doors if it did not teach evolutionary origins and processes in its science classes.

The Institute for Creation Research has, since the early 1970s, been the largest group working to educate the public in regard to the evidence disproving evolution. An attempt to close their college because it will not teach that which it knows to be error and has satisfactorily proven to be error is ridiculous, yet this is what the situation has come to in our nation. We have reached a point in America where evolutionary theorists control the science organizations and are seeking to take over every school in the land.

The ruling, seeking to force the closing of the ICR Graduate School in southern California, crystallized in the present writer a conviction that an in-depth book needed to be written to help awaken the thinking public to what scientific facts really have to say in regard to creation science and evolutionary theory.

(For additional information on the excellent work that ICR is doing, we would encourage you to contact them: Institute for Creation Research, P.O. Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021; telephone: 619-448-0900. You will find a list of other pro-creation organizations at the back of the third volume in this set of books. Three important ones would be: (1) Creation Research Society, P.O. 14016, Terre Haute, IN 47803; (2) Bible-Science Association, 2911 E. 42nd Street, Minneapolis, MN 55409; (3) Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 92350. Many worthwhile books and journals dealing with creation science will also be listed at the end of this set of books.)


The present 3-Volume set of books has been prepared in order to achieve an unusually broad scope of coverage, and yet present it in simple language. The way to stop the evolutionary onslaught is to educate the public. It is the sincere hope of the author that this set of books may help toward that end. Special thanks goes to the William Jennings College Library in Dayton, Tennessee for their loan of creation/evolution books and related materials.

Here are some of the special features to be found in this present set of three books:

DEPTH OF COVERAGE The objective has been to provide you with nearly every worthwhile point dealing with each subject category. This is something that is not normally done. For example, under stellar evolution, you will find far more points dealt with than are to be found under this topic in most any easily-readable book critiquing stellar evolutionary theory. You may not wish to use all the points covered, but they are there if you need them.

BREADTH OF COVERAGE Many excellent books deal only with one or two subject categories. Some concern themselves only with fossils, others with the history of evolutionary thought and certain biological aspects. In this present set of books, the objective has been to present the heart of each major aspect of the creation-evolution controversy. Included here will be found areas that are rarely mentioned at all, much less covered in detail.

SIMPLE VOCABULARY Whenever a simple word could be used, a bigger one was avoided. The primary exception would be basic technical "label" words of science and evolutionary theory (examples: nebular hypothesis, paleontologist, overthrusts, recapitulation). If such words were not used, you would be blanked out on certain facts you need to know in order to grasp and discuss the subject properly. This material is suitable for high school and college level, as well as for adult reading.

Scientific professionals in the various fields will also find its abundance of points and breadth of coverage helpful. Scientists tend to be experts in a few highly narrowed areas, while not knowing as much as they would like about some others. This book will provide them with an overview of many scientific facts that bear upon a variety of fields. We have tried to cover in this set of three books, every basic area of concern in the on-going creation-evolution controversy. To our knowledge, no other book or book set does that.

LACK OF COMPLEX MATH You will find no complicated mathematical formulas in these books. Results of math computations are occasionally given, but not the equations or calculations they are based on. Those who enjoy the depths of algebra and calculus will need to refer to our quoted sources.

THREE SEPARATE BOOKS This material has been divided into three separate books, each dealing with its own range of topics. Each book may be purchased separately; you are not required to buy the entire set. Yet the books dovetail. Combined, they provide a fairly thorough coverage, and frequent cross-references are made to related material in other chapters. In addition, three-volume topical indexes are to be found at the back of each of the books. Consecutive paging of the entire three books makes possible these unified indexes.

ARRANGEMENT OF MATERIAL Careful thought was given to the order in which this collection of scientific facts should be presented.

Volume 1 The origin of matter, stars, galaxies, the solar system, and the origin and age of the earth. The origin of the earth requires an analysis of dating methods, which is also included.

Volume 2 The origin of life, and whether it could evolve into new species. The mechanisms by which evolution would have to occur. The evidence is clear that life origin and evolution have not occurred.

Volume 3 Additional topics needing to be considered, including other evidences for and against evolution, as well as historical information.

MEASUREMENT EQUIVALENTS The purpose of this set of books is to give you the facts in an understandable format so you can know and use them. For this reason, bracketed English/metric equivalents are given immediately following measurements. This is done both in the text and in quoted statements of scientists. Miles, millimeters, pounds, pints, barrels, decigrams, inches, liters, Centigrade, tons, Fahrenheit, kilograms; whatever it may be, a measurement equivalent is generally given. (Lacking clarifying data, tonnage units were assumed to be in short tons [2,000 lb] rather than long [2,240 lb].) Unfortunately, the use of two separate measurement systems in use by Western Civilization has only added to the confusion. Only the measurement of time has been left without double measurement standards.

QUOTATIONS All quotations are set in a smaller type size and narrower width line. References are given in italics, immediately following the quotation, instead of being placed in a footnote, at the end of the chapter, or at the back of the book. You do not have to go searching in order to find the source for a quotation; it will be there right in front of you!

A problem in some books are partial references that refer back to more complete references pages earlier (example: Grant, p. 283). But in this present set of books, each reference is given as completely as could be obtained (author, title, copyright date, and page). The exception is ibid. (same reference as preceding quotation) and op. cit. (same reference, but a different page number), yet even these two are only given immediately following a quotation giving the complete source.

Whenever possible, primary (not secondary) sources were given for each quotation.

ASTERISKS A large number of quotations are included in this set of books, and a majority of them were written by non-creationists. It seemed well to try to identify creationist or evolutionist writers, when referred to or quoted in these volumes. For this purpose an asterisk ( * ) has been used. An asterisk preceding a name indicates that that individual is not known by the present writer to be a creationist This asterisk identification is not used for some individuals who lived prior to the 20th century. It frequently is not used after the first mention of a person in a paragraph or connected section of text. It is not used for persons named within a quotation, but is used in references at the end of quotations.

SPECIAL ILLUSTRATIONS Two artists helped produce illustrations for this series of books. Jim Pinkosky provided a number of scientific illustrations. In addition, Fritz Alseth prepared a variety of special pictures (the "pen points") in order to graphically illustrate many of the principles clarified in the text.

As one reads through the wealth of information in these books, it becomes obvious that evolutionary theorists have used many devices and undergone many tribulations and defeats in their efforts to use the flimsy evidence they have gathered, prop up their theory, and resist the ever-growing mountain of negative evidence. Frankly, the situation is humorous. With this in mind, the present writer wrote the captions for a variety of small cartoon-like pictures. These were sent to Fritz, who then drew pictures to match them. His illustrations greatly help in reinforcing the powerful truths you will learn in the accompanying text. Thank you, Jim and Fritz!

In these books you will find 50 diagrams, 27 charts 10 reproductions, 74 sketches or drawings, 8 maps, 5 pictures, and 222 pen point pictures.

CHAPTER CROSS-REFERENCES In many instances in which major topics are discussed in two different chapters, each will refer to the other by chapter location.

APPENDIX CROSS-REFERENCES A wealth of additional material on various topics is given in the appendices at the back of most chapters. When additional material on a topic is to be found in the appendix, the reader will be notified of that at the appropriate point in the text.

BIBLIOGRAPHY A sizeable quantity of additional resource material dealing with the creation evolution controversy is listed at the end of the third volume. It includes a list of outstanding creationist books, journal articles, as well as creationist organizations worldwide.

A BOOK YOU CAN USE Because of its simple approach, wide coverage, and helpful quotations, this set of books is excellent for several purposes, including: (1) Personal study; (2) sermon, prayer meeting, and lecture source material; (3) background material for your own magazine articles, booklets, books, and other media presentations. The truth should be shared in every way possible. We will not be concerned if you quote from this set of books extensively. They were not written merely to keep the information to ourselves.

LIMITED PHOTOCOPYING We hereby give permission to make Xerox copies of part or all of a single chapter at a time, for (1) lecture notes to simplify presentation of these topics, and (2) hand-out sheets to share with others singly, or in classroom, lecture hall, church or other group meetings.

It is time we get serious about this and educate as many as possible on the issues involved! If we do not instruct the people about true scientific principles, others will later instruct them in errors with devastating results.

DESIGN CHAPTERS-Every fourth chapter in this set of books is a design chapter, and presents a variety of natural wonders in the stars, earth, plants, birds, etc. In addition, some design data is included in other chapters. Design, all by itself, is a most powerful evidence in favor of creation, and a strong refutation of evolution. Vet the greater part of these forty chapters deals with matters which are not design. Because evolutionists claim that creationists only have design as their sole refutation of evolution (and it alone is a most powerful one!), non-design scientific facts are generally the focus of discussion in these books. However these special chapters, plus some other sections, are reserved toand filled with design factors. The Design Index, at the back of each book in the series, will direct you to each topic thus covered. There are 566 design topics in this set of books. Most of them consist of outstanding nature nuggets you will marvel at, and want to share with others. The sheer randomness required by evolutionary theory could never produce even one of them.

PRINT SIZE-Except for the quotations and certain small-print sections, the main text of these books has been typeset in an easy-to-read print size.

 PARAGRAPH HEADINGS-Each chapter begins with a general introduction, and then the content is presented under major numbered subheads, and topical paragraph headings. This provides anticipation and a focus of attention in reading, while proving invaluable in later relocating points for review or research work. These books are invaluable, not only for initial reading, but as later reference works.

ITALIC AND BOLD FACE- The first use of special terms is generally placed in italics, and the most important text material is set in bold face. In some instances, technical terms and foreign phrases within quotations have been italicized for purposes of clarification.

FOREIGN PHRASES AND SCIENTIFIC ABBREVIATIONS-Latin and foreign phrases (such as ad hoc, bouche, escribiente, non obstante) tend to confuse people. When such phrases are used in quotations, an English translation enclosed within brackets immediately follows.

First usage of a special scientific abbreviation is defined in the same way (examples: my [million years], NRM [natural remanent magnetism]).

CHAPTER APPENDICES- To avoid loading the text with too much detail, additional, worthwhile material has been included in supplementary sections at the end of most chapters. Included in those supplements is a variety of material which you will find to be invaluable. Sometimes this will be additional articles, but most of the time it consists of annotated quotations.

TABLE Of CONTENTS- Two tables of content are included in each book; the first is a standard chapter TOC at the front of each book, and the second is an annotated TOC near the back. Each one covers all the volumes in the series. With the first, you can quickly see the overall plan of the three books and where the primary sections are located; with the second, you can quickly locate major sections within each chapter.

TEXT SIDELINING-Two special objectives were sought in the preparation of this material: (1) a simple, basic presentation, and (2) fairly thorough coverage. The simple presentation was needed for the younger students and all who prefer simpler reading materials. But the thorough coverage, including quotations by scientists, was needed to clearly establish the falsity of the evolutionary theory. It would normally be difficult to combine the two objectives in one set of books. But a solution was found: In order to help young students and those readers desiring a more basic coverage, sidelining has been placed in the left margin by essential, simplified portions of the text. In this way by only reading the sidelined portions one can read the basic, essential points in each chapter! Whereas the content of this set was written for mid-high school level on up, by primarily reading only the sidelined portions, 7th grade and 8th grade students can also use these books as textbooks. (As a rule, there will be little or no sidelining in the chapter appendices, and none in every fourth chapter (the design chapters). With the exception of the first section of chapter 4, the design chapters are fairly easy reading throughout.)

BRIEF INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER OUTLINES-As an aid to both the student and teacher, brief outlines of principle high points will be found on the first page of each chapter. The exception to this would be the ten natural history design chapters.

CHAPTER STUDY AND REVIEW QUESTIONS-With the exception of the design chapters, study and review questions will be found at the end of each chapter. These will greatly aid teachers in classroom settings, and can be used as a basis for assignments and class discussion. They are given in the order in which the content they are based upon appears in the text. These questions generally deal only with material in the main text, and not in the appendices.

CREATION SCIENTIST BIOGRAPHIES-Evolutionists maintain that anyone who believes in creation instead of evolution is mentally incompetent and unfit to be a scientist. At the end of 15 chapters, you will find brief biographies of 42 creation scientists. Additional biographies of creation scientists, as well as champions of evolution, will be found elsewhere in the text. (See Biographies, Creation Scientist in the three-volume topical index.)

INDEXES -In the back of each of the three books will be found the following indexes: (1) a three-volume chart, map, and illustration index; (2) a three-volume design index to natural wonders; (3) and a three-volume topical index to all three books. In addition, at the back of the third book will be found a three-volume source index to quotations. These indexes enable you to quickly locate what you are looking for, wherever it may be in the three books. In this way, it is not necessary to know beforehand the volume or volumes in which a given topic is discussed.

Careful thought was given to the main index. It was decided that a major-topic index would be more useful than a general index. For example, instead of telling you every page where the word "dinosaur" is mentioned, the topical indexes will only direct you to those sections where dinosaurs are the focus of discussion. Consecutive paging of all three volumes simplifies your use of the unified indexes. At the bottom of each 3-VoIume table of contents or index will be found a page number key, so you can immediately know which book contains the page number you want to turn to.

A USEFUL SCHOOL AND STUDY-GROUP TEXTBOOK- The three books, used alone or together, provide worthwhile texts for use in schools, colleges, and graduate work. They also are excellent for mid-week prayer meetings, Iocal-church study groups, cottage meetings, conventions, special institutes, campmeetings, and seminars.  



 WHAT IS EVOLUTION?- "Evolution" includes origin, or how something began or came into existence, and evolution, which is how it transformed itself into other things and ultimately into its present form and structure. As is done elsewhere, this present set of books may at times overlap and not maintain these narrowed definitions.

In his books, *Charles Darwin theorized about the evolution of life forms, not their origins. But evolutionary theory requires scientific evidence for both. Attempts have also been made to apply evolution to matter, stars, galaxies, planets, and even to socioeconomics.

WHAT ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF MATTER?-How did matter itself originate? Where did all the elements come from? How could disconnected bits of gas form into planets, stars, and systems? The first of the three sections in chapter 4 is about certain wonders inherent in matter.

WHAT ABOUT STARS, GALAXIES, AND PLANETS? -Chapter 2 shows that stars and planets could not self-originate or self-evolve into their present structures.

Chapter 3 extends this contrary evidence to evolutionary theories about our own solar system, its planets, and moons.

The second and third sections of chapter 4 discuss some of the wonders of the order and beauty of planets, stars, and galaxies.

WHAT SPECIAL EVIDENCE ABOUT OUR OWN PLANET IS AVAILABLE?- Chapter 5 focuses on recently-discovered evidence that our own planet came into existence in less than three minutes.

Chapter 6 discusses 60 scientific facts indicating that our planet is less then 10,000 years old, and more likely only about 6,000 years.

Chapter 7 reviews the notorious weaknesses in the assumptions underlying current radio dating and other methods used to apply long-age dates to our world. Chapter 8 overviews several specific providential factors which make it possible for life to exist on our planet. Chapter 26 discusses the theories of continental drift, plate tectonics, and paleomagnetism.

BUT IS THERE NOT EVIDENCE THAT THE EARTH HAS BEEN HERE FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS? Such evidence, which is the theories about dating methods (chapter 7), sedimentary rock strata (chapters 17,19), and paleomagnetism (chapter 26), have been shown to be unscientific.

BUT DO NOT THE LAWS OF NATURE AGREE WITH EVOLUTIONARY THEORY?-Evolutionary theory is contrary to all the laws of nature. Its violation of the laws of thermodynamics is especially striking (chapter 25). That one chapter alone totally destroys evolutionary theories in regard to the origin and evolution of matter, stars, galaxies, planets, or living things.

WHAT ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF LIVING THINGS? In the broad sense of the term, evolution would apply to (1) geological changes in our world, (2) evolutionary changes in life forms in our world, (3) the origin of matter, and (4) the evolving of stellar objects.

But in a more narrow sense, "evolution" would only apply to the evolution of life on our planet, and, by extension, the origin of that life. (Evolutionists also apply the term to change within kinds, calling it "microevolution, " but such change is adaptation and not evolution.)

Strictly speaking, the origin of life and the evolving of life forms from one kind to another is what evolution is all about The origin of life is dealt with in chapters 7-9, and the evolution from one kind to another is the subject of chapters 10-11, and 13-18. In this set of books, when we speak of "kind, " we will generally use the term "species. " We recognize that this word is somewhat clouded because subspecies have sometimes been classified as species, and species have frequently been classified as genera or sub-species, but, for purposes of simplicity, we will lump the basic plant and animal kinds (the Genesis kinds) under the term "species."

Species change, therefore, lies at the heart of the creation-evolution controversy. " there is no genuine species change, there can be no evolution. Neither theories about stellar evolution, dating methods to prove long ages of time, nor organic similarities can prove evolution. It is only actual, verified species change that can prove it, and that proof would center in locating semi-transformed species. For this we would need definite evidence from the present and from the past.

The possibility and mechanisms of life origins is the topic of chapters 9 to 11, and 25. The possibility and mechanisms of life evolution are dealt with in chapters 13 to 15, and 25. Evidence from past life forms is the subject of chapters 17 to 19, 23, and 27. Evidence from present life forms is discussed in chapters 21 to 22. Dating methods, used to provide ancient dates to remains and the strata they are in, are covered in chapters 7, 17, 26, and 35.

Frankly if the evolutionary process cannot be established from the mechanisms discussed in chapters 13 and 14, a thinking person might as well give up on evolution, for in those two chapters are to be found the only two mechanisms (natural selection and/or mutation) by which one species could possibly evolve into another.

We are frequently told that evidence from the past proves evolution. That evidence should be found in the literally millions of fossil specimens which have already been examined. This topic is covered in chapters 1719. In the fossils we should find what is known as "transformations, " or partly-changed species. And we should find lots of them.

Those missing transformations are commonly referred to by scientists as the "missing links" and "gaps. " In reality, all that evolution consists of is theories and gaps.

And, as you will learn in this set of books, the nonbiological types of evolutionary theory also consist solely of theories and gaps! They also are a disaster. This would include matter, stellar, galactic, solar system, and earth evolution.

WHAT ABOUT EVIDENCE FROM OUR WORLD TODAY?- The evidence for life-evolution from the past comprises only a few items, primary among which is the fact that, much of the time, smaller life-forms are found beneath larger ones in the sedimentary rock strata. The evidence from our world today is hardly better. For example, similarities: the human arm and hand have the same number of bones as that of the bat (chapter 21). Because of the separating wall of the DNA code, bats are different than people in an untold number of ways. Counting bones is a simplistic evidence of evolution. It and all the other wonders of nature are, in reality, only additional evidence that careful planning by the Creator produced everything.

. The foolish theories of vestiges and recapitulation are discussed in chapter 22, and geographic distribution of plants and animals in chapter 27. Some of the most valued evidences of evolution are discussed in chapter 23.

WHAT ABOUT SOCIAL EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES?- The scientific evidence is on the side of creation, not evolutionary theory. But the history of what that theory has done to our modern world constitutes one of the most striking evidences that its effects on the human mind are profoundly vicious. The history of the theory is discussed in chapters 29 and 30, and its effects on society in chapter 33. This is an astounding chapter.

WHAT OTHER HELPFUL CHAPTERS ARE IN THE BOOK?-Chapter 31 provides us with what scientists and evolutionists have to say about the theory of evolution as a whole. Chapter 34 was written for teachers, and provides facts about what they can legally teach in the schools. Chapter 35 is an astonishing chapter, and deals with the effort of atheists to take over the field of archaeology and make it disagree with Biblical events and dating. The remaining chapters (3739) are self-explanatory.

As mentioned earlier, every fourth chapter in the series is a design chapter, and is filled with fascinating scientific facts about the things of nature. There is nothing in nature that could have made itself.

CONCLUSION- -Writers of textbooks, children's books, and various media presentations, depict evolution glowingly as though it were a proven fact, in spite of the ever-increasing scientific evidence against it. The situation would be humorous if it were not so tragic. All this talk about "scientific evolution" is wishful thinking in action. People emotionally want the assurance that they do not have to be responsible for their actions, so they cling to cobwebs instead of solid facts. Having only been confronted with the assurances of the evolutionists, it is difficult for the man on the street to realize the total lack of evidence that exists for evolutionary theory. Yet the information is available, and you will find large amounts of it in this present set of books. Learning even part of that evidence will place you on vantage ground when you discuss these issues with others.

The obvious solution to this crisis is to educate the uncommitted about the facts. You can help do that. Read, learn, and then share with others! Talk about the subject, reread sections in these books, and discuss various aspects of it. Interest others in the subject. Tell them what you have discovered. Hold meetings. It is the earnest desire of the present writer that this material will help you help many others.

The following statement from chapter 17 may help you see what we are dealing with here:

"Speak Of "survival of the fittest"! The long survival of evolutionary theory disproves the phrase! Here we have survival of the weakest, most foolish, and most easily disproved of "scientific" concepts.

"Evolution as a theory survives because (1) the public does not know what is going on, (2) most scientists are working in very narrow fields and do not see the overall picture that you are learning in these books, and (3) many conscientious researchers dare not speak up lest they be relieved of their positions and salaries.

"Regarding the second point, the biologists and geneticists bemoan the lack of evolutionary evidence in their fields (living species and genetic research), but then comfort themselves that, perhaps, the fossil evidence has established It. The paleontologists and stratographers bemoan the void of evolutionary evidence in the fossil strata (species which earlier lived on the earth) but conclude that, surely, the startling advances In species discoveries and genetics research upholds It.

"The scholars and researchers attend their own narrowed scientific meetings and rarely have time to check with those in other fields of study. The experts In each scientific specialty imagine that other experts elsewhere have solidly proven evolution, even though in their field of study It is ready to fall through the floor.

"So much Is known about so little in the sciences today that few experts can see the big picture. And the general public Is given the wrong picture. Evolution is as dead as the Dodo bird of the Mascarene Islands that died nearly two hundred years ago, and most people in the modern world are not aware of it."-page 524.  


Here are four quotations from non-Creationists to think about:

"I have often thought how little I should like to have to prove organic evolution in a court of law. " * Errol White, Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 177:8 (1966) {An ichthyologist (expert on fish) in a 1966 address before a meeting of the Linnean Society in London.]

"I doubt if there is any single individual within the scientific community who could cope with the full range of (creationist) arguments without the help of an army of consultants in special fields."-*David M. Raup, "Geology and Creation, " Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History, Vol. 54, March 1983, p. 16.

"The doctrine of (evolutionary] continuity has always necessitated a retreat from pure empiricism (actual facts and scientific testing], and contrary to what is widely assumed by evolutionary biologists today, it has always been the antievolutionists, not the evolutionists, in the scientific community who have stuck rigidly to the facts and adhered to a more strictly empirical approach." - * Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 353.

 "For the past five years, I have closely followed creationists literature and have attended lectures and debates on related issues. . Based solely on the scientific arguments pro and con, I have been forced to conclude that scientific creationism is not only a viable theory, but that it has achieved parity with (if not superiority over) the nonnative theory of biological evolution. That this should now be the case is somewhat surprising, particularly in view of what most of us were taught in primary and secondary school.

"In practical terms, the past decade of intense activity by scientific creationists has left most evolutionary professors unwilling to debate the creationists professors. Too many of the evolutionists have been publicly humiliated in such debates by their own lack of erudition and by the weaknesses of their theory. " - * R. F. Smith, "Origin and Civil Liberties," quoted in Creation social Science and Humanities Quarterly, 3 (Winter 1980), pp. 23-24.


 MEMORIZING KEY POINTS- The following guide will be found helpful in fixing in memory some of the essential points in each chapter. The better you understand these issues, the more effectively you will be able to share Information with others. Although designed for personal memory work, portions of the guide may be used by teachers as a basis for brief study assignments:

This subject is worth knowing WELL ENOUGH that you can explain some of its high points with others. Because of ignorance, many have been led into gross error and darkness. They need your help. And, the more you share this information, the better you will remember it yourself.

After you have read each chapter, scan back through it, and then share what you recall of its points and facts with others. You will find that others are interested in this subject just as you are. People who think and are unprejudiced will always be interested. Many have been groping in search of answers to the evolutionary "facts" which are continually thrust at them in textbooks and the media.

As you read through each chapter, the following review guide is suggestive, and can be adapted to your own learning pattern.

1 - There are many points in the chapter that disprove basic evolutionary theory. Each point also supports Creation. Underline or highlight those points you would consider to be most important.

2 - Go back and underline more boldly the most important points, to help crystallize them in your thinking.

3 - Review them again, and try to recall aloud some of the most important of them. Recalling, speaking, and hearing helps you remember better.

4 - Look at the complete list again. From memory, again recite as many as you can. 

6 - Which five are the most important? Why? 

7 - Review the chapter again in order to obtain a better understanding of what is involved in each of these points, how they relate to one another and the entire picture, and how they help answer evolutionary arguments.

8 - Recite the key points again.

9 - Perhaps draw a diagram or two to help explain this chapter, or some of its essential points.

10 - Turn back to the table of contents and think how this one chapter fits in with the others. It is but another link in a strong chain of powerful evidence.

11 - Review all the points again, trying to recite many of them from memory. Do not be discouraged, for enough of this information will now remain with you in the years ahead that you will be able to use it to help many people looking for answers. You will bring fresh courage and strength to others who might otherwise have become confused. 

12 - You may wish to do a research study from several sources on one of the primary points in this chapter.

You have in your hands a book that can help you help many others. Read it, learn it, use it, refer back to it, tell others about it. Waft away the dark clouds from their minds. Truth is powerful; give it to them.

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